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Saturday, May 25, 2013


                         Lloyd K Hill BUSTED Stalking Up Wanship.      

Among the ass holes of Wanship, Utah is Vern Stembridge. He and others are being sued by the 'Utah Steam Access Coalition' for denying anglers 'legal' access to the public water way seen in the picture (Weber River).

 Known Wanship, Utah Stalker Oswald Delisle Bush (Dell Bush) and family live on South Cottonwood Drive - Wanship, Utah. Stalker Bush and family live in one of four yellow homes in Wanship Cottage Sites - Wanship, Utah. Stalker Bush and family stalk the neighbor and kids of Wanship, Utah daily. He and family have a stalking bench at the side of their house that they use to look over the neighbors fence to stalk the neighbor and stalk the neighbors friends. Oswald and family have been seen by people walking up and down South Cottonwood Lane stalking the neighbor and stalking the neighbors friends **minor** under age daughter. She was 9 years old when Ozwald Delisle Bush stalked her,   looking over and around the neighbor's fence. 

This type of behavior is normal in Wanship, Utah. Remember, they have their dirty little child rape, child stalking and death 
threat secrets to maintain. Some Wanship locals hire convicted child pedophiles now and then. Most all Wanship Cottage Sites have taken stalking lessons from Oswald Bush at one point or   another to keep it's community standard of stalking little boys, little girls and neighbors all over Summit County - Wanship.

So little time and so much more to tell. I may get around to finishing this later.